Turning off ALL CAPS!!

I know this post will cause controversy as this movie then needs to be followed by an hour long discussion clarifying it's context to those who "don't get it."  However, I am in agreeance with Rob Bell on this issue and many others he speaks of.  

In my personal opinion, beating people over the head with the Bible or trying to scare them with "eternal damnation" will never bring lasting change.  There is the exception and God can work in mysterious ways, however, in 2010 very few people respond to condemnation and judgement by Christians.  

What I have seen work best with my generation (40 and under) is personal relationships and acceptance of all types of people and letting our Christian values and daily example speak for itself.  

Stop Judging.  Stop Condemning.  It's called the "Good" News not the Hellfire and Brimstone News.




The Doctrine Of The Four Chairs

Which chair are you?Yesterday I had the privilege of attending an "Iron Sharpens Iron" event in New Lenox, Illinois.  We saw a host of speakers and had the options to spend 75 minutes in between to talk with other speakers in breakout sessions.  The morning Keynote Speaker was Mr. Adrian Despres and who spoke on the principles of four chairs.  The first chair is what a true disciple of Christ would be.

aLDchairsHe would be an individual who is walking by faith, praying and living by the very words of what Jesus calls us to do - Trust and Obey and to follow his precepts and to be totally and completely reliable on Him for our daily bread.  In other words, the first chair Christian allows Jesus to be Lord over his entire life.

The second chair Christian is one who is more of a "pew sitter" instead of a "heavy hitter" for the Kingdom (aka "The first chair").  The second chair is what the Book of Revelation calls the lukewarm Christian. Remember what Jesus said, that He would rather have that Christian be cold or hot, but as lukewarm, he considers the second chair as puke in his mouth and would rather spit you out.  Adrian, then skipped the third chair and referred to the fourth chair as the unsaved chair.  Maybe he is someone who is seeking the Kingdom of God and wants a relationship with Christ, but because of the examples of the second and third chair he could become disgusted with the "body" of Christ (that church) and walk away calling chair number one and two - unloving, judgmental, hypocrites who practice Truth more than Grace.  Now, chair number three, Adrian referred to as the most dangerous chair in the body of Christ.

This is someone who may have grown up in the church, knows Scripture better than most and has pretended to play church their entire life.  This person may, at Judgement, say to Jesus, "Lord, Lord, save me"  And Jesus will say, "Depart from me, for I never knew you."  This chair is a fake and this life is not reflecting any of the Fruit of the Spirit that we find in Galatians Chapter 5.  Fourchairs Here is the thing, whatever chair you are in right now, that doesn't matter to God, because He still loves you.  He loves you so much that He gave His only son for you.  You have to make an honest confession right now with what chair you are sitting in and not only repent to God and give that up if you are in #2, #3 and or #4.  If you are in #1 then get serious, stay focused and work on changing the second and third and reaching the fourth chair.  If you are #2, #3 and or #4, then repent.  Confess your sin to God and move over to Chair #1.  To God be the Glory forever and ever, Amen.

By the way, if you get a chance to see this great Evangelist, then by all means look him up!

Christianity 2.0.10: The Finale

Ask any combat veteran what got them through the hell we call war and most will tell you a story of camaraderie, Intestinal Fortitude and a great leader. 

The veterans of WWII's Easy Company all speak highly of the exceptional leadership of Dick Winters, the companies senior officer. 

Major Dick Winters exhibited these leadership traits:   Dickwinters-11

  • Exceptional Courage
  • Never asking his men to perform a task he would not do. 
  • Putting his men's needs in front of his own.
  • Strict adherence to moral attributes and values.
  • Setting the example and leading the way.
  • Grace and Humbleness about his actions. 

When interviewed about his acts of heroism for the HBO Series Band of Brothers, Winters quoted a letter stating:

"'I cherish the memories of a question my grandson asked me theother day when he said, Grandpa, were you a hero in the war?' Grandpasaid 'No… but I served in a company of heroes…"

More than anything today, our children need leaders.  Physical, Spiritual and Emotional Leaders and this is the job of the father.

Study after study shows that a fathers presence, actions and example (or lack thereof) has the greatest amount of influence on our children.  It determines the type of men our boys become and the type of men our daughters will marry.

Our society today is lacking in positive male role models.  This must change.

As I have said in On Leadership and When The Leader Changes The House Changes, there are a lot of managers in the world but fewer leaders.

We must strive to become leaders in our home, our marriage and in the lives of our children.  

Parents of spiritual champions exhibited these leadership traits:

  • The children realized who was in charge
  • The parents led and made decisions
  • They excepted responsibility for failures in the family
  • They meet the emotional, spiritual and physical needs of their children
  • They subtly helped solve problems but raised problem solving children
  • They reinforced the spiritual claims, and morals and values by their own example not only by their words.

 Children learn by example and modeling, NOT by our words.  We need to be a living example daily of the life and character traits we wish to instill in our children. 

Permissive In my opinion, Permissive Parenting, is this biggest failure and cause of juvenile problems, depression and anxiety in our children today. Followed next by Overprotective Parenting which is highly contagious in our Christian society.  Sorry, no more ranting, this will be covered in the next series...   

Further leadership traits of parents who raised spiritual champions were:

Staying calm in the midst of chaos

Holding their tongue at appropriate times

Not fighting their kids battles for them at school, sports or socially.

If a parent blows up on a child, apologizing later, explaining the reasons why and asking for forgiveness. 

Explaining the moral and biblical reasons why your family lives and believes the things it does. The "Do As I Say" parenting style does not work with the savvy kids of today. 

The bottom line: Pointingatyou

Children need parents who are strong moral leaders in their own lives, they need to see their parents living and setting the example of a Godly, Christian life and they need parents who are committed to instilling these traits in their children.

In conclusion, I hope this series has opened some eyes and got some heads nodding in agreement.  I struggle daily to uphold all these traits and pray every night to be the example and leader in my childrens lives.

If we as parents are not the leaders and examples in our childrens lives, someone or something will take our place.  The media, peers, society and secular views are all fighting to take this leadership role from us.     

We need to step up, take back our faith and live our lives as if Jesus was walking beside us. 

-Esse Quam Videri-

Christianity 2.0.9: Parenting Spiritual Champions - Part II

Preface to Christianity 2.0

In this post we will continue to look at some real world statistics on parents who have raised Spiritual Champions.  By this, I mean children who are now adults and display the Legacy Character Traits and consider themselves active, saved Christians who are still working on spiritual growth as young adults or parents themselves.

Traits of Parents Who Have Raised Spiritual Champions: Part 2

7. Focus on Godly Character

Rarely in the parenting research I look at do you find something that is 100% across the board agreed on by parents, however, focusing on Godly character and character traits was the number one priority of parents who raised spiritual champions. 

Modern day schools focuses almost exclusively on honing skills and grasping and applying information and little to no time on character development, it is assumed by parents and educators alike that it will somehow manifest in the process.  This failure to plan is a great plan to fail.

List of the Legacy Dad Character Traits

Godly-character Many older generations complain about this lack of character traits in today's youth constantly.  Enron, The Current Housing Collapse, Divorce, Domestic Violence and Most Crimes are all a result of character issues.

Parents of spiritual champions taught their children that their focus was on adding value to society rather than taking or expecting something from society.    

The focused on teaching their children to help others rather than compete or outperform others.

And that the type of person you are is more important than what you accomplish or what you have.

For a moment, contrast these three areas with today's mainstream adults.  A majority of today's adults focus on the exact opposite of these traits.

One mother of a spiritual champion stated this

"I never yelled at my son for grades or missed goals on the soccer field but if he ever mistreats someone...we had a long talk usually followed by some corrective action.  I rather have an honest, caring child than a smart child."  

8. Parental Focus

Parenting is a huge, life changing event.  My wife and I have studied friends in the past few years and sometimes have a great laugh.  We thought that older, maturer parents or parents who were more financially prepared for children would perform better than when we first had kids (young, broke, clueless.)  However, we have learned that no matter how prepared you are, nothing is better than experience and trial and error.

Some parents follow a mainstream philosophy that when they have kids, they willPicture 1 continue to progress in their careers, hobbies and social life and just add kids to the mix.  They give their kids general guidelines and hope that the kids will figure it out or that the schools, babysitters or church will pick up where they cannot. They outsource a good deal of their parenting roles to follow their own personal goals. 

Successful parents follow a philosophy that parenting is their number one priority.  Sacrifices will need to be made in all areas of their lives.  Specific long term and strategic goals need to be established in parenting and then a game plan to reach these goals. These parents are totally hands on and have a specific set of expectations and outcomes they wish to achieve in parenting and this takes precedence over their careers and social endeavors. 

Successful parents also learn that parenting is not a popularity contest. Many times successful parents will not relate with other parents, they will be talked about or gossiped about in the PTA or other parental circles. Many other parents will not share their beliefs or parental goals and will be seen as extreme or even be envied and further ridiculed by other parents.

The goal of successful parents is simply to instill Godly morals, beliefs and character in their children and raise spiritual champions.  They are not interested in being voted most popular mom or head of the parent sports committee. 


9. A Stable-Consistent Home

Security is such a huge trait when raising children and our kids can see it and sense it more than we think.

I believe security is instilled by consistency, rules, expectations and predictability.  

If you asked my children what happens every night at our house at 8:30, you would get this response:

Children in bed

Mom and Dad are having couch time

Couch time I never knew what an impact this had on my children until my wife told me a story.

My wife befriended a woman with two kids about 8 months ago and two weeks into the relationship, my wife got a frantic call from the woman asking my wife to come over to her house.  My wife and kids went to her house and saw a moving truck outside with the woman and some people loading the truck.  My wife found her friend and saw a fresh bruise on her face and did not ask questions.  The woman was loading up and heading to her parents house, a few thousand miles away and taking the kids with her. 

My wife and kids helped her load the truck and when she left, my daughter asked my wife questions about divorce.  After a discussion on divorce, my daughter hugged my wife.  My wife asked what the hug was for and my daughter replied that she is glad that her and daddy spend time together everyday and would never get a divorce.

My daughter has since heard friends and kids at school talk about how hard a divorce is and she frequently takes comfort in knowing she will never have to face this problem. My daughters reality from our couch time and how my wife and I treat each other daily is that we would never divorce.

There are many factors that lead to a stable home but parents of spiritual champions noted these factors the highest.

1. Family Rules and Laws - Fair, Firm and Consistent.

There are family rules and expectations and failure to meet these expectations or follow these rules leads to discipline and consequences. Setting boundaries and ensuring respect was the two most noted.

2. Enforcing A Curfew

Consistent bed times and specific times to be at home for tweens and teens. 

Few parents had curfews lasting later than 11:00PM even for older teens.

3. Friends

Successful parents cautiously and subtly influenced who their children befriended. We have never told our children who they can or cannot be friends with, but because of our standards and rules, the cream rises and friends who did not adhere to our rules or values, quickly leave the scene. 

We ask questions about their friends behaviors and usually assess the parents early in the relationship. You can learn a lot about kids by watching the parents.  

Also, personally know your children's friends.  Kids in our house see our example, our families values and beliefs and it rubs off on some.  At one time, we were taking 5 other neighborhood kids to church with us on Sundays.  Kids are great evangelists. 

4. Limit Media Content

The average American child is engaged in 40 hours of media intake per week.  Zoned out kids Parents need to set time limits and filter the content.  At our house, MTV or any other channel with similar content is blocked on the cable.  Disney or Nickelodeon is the main channel on our TV.  Internet use is strictly monitored and filtered using parental controls.     

I never knew what a huge factor this played in parenting until last year.  One of the neighborhood kids was having a casual conversation with my son and he was describing in detail some of his favorite horror movies his parents let him watch.  Saw, Hostel and My Bloody Valentine were his favorites.  Another son of a co-worker described to my son a viral porn movie that was being circulated and how he found it on Youtube.  These were 9-11 year olds.

Parents not limiting media content when we were kids was a huge parenting weakness expressed by adults today (Gen X and Y)   

5. Spend Time Daily

We have to spend fully engaged time with our children everyday.  "Quality time" on the weekends is not enough.  Our aim should be to spend at least one hour per day of fully engaged time with each child.  Once this time becomes frequent and consistent, children will begin to let you into their inner world and share their most intimate secrets with you.  This is also where you can have the most life changing discussions and moments with your children.

According to the Barna Group, older teens and twenty something's said that the top two failures of their parents were this:

1. Not Enough Discipline - Firm Consistent Rules

2. Failure to spend enough time with their children.  Children felt their parents focus was else where.

In the final post of Christianity 2009, I will discuss a topic that is interwoven into all the posts and into success or failure as a parent. 

Part 10 -Final

Christianity 2.0.8: Parenting Spiritual Champions

Preface to Christianity 2.0

For the first 7 posts of this topic, I have focused on what I perceive is the current problem with Christianity and why we (Christians) are being the subject of increased attacks and skepticism especially from the younger generations. 

Next, we will look at some real world statistics on parents who have raised Spiritual Champions.  By this, I mean children who are now adults and consider themselves active, saved Christians who are still working on spiritual growth as young adults or parents themselves.

Traits of Parents Who Have Raised Spiritual Champions:


1. Parenting is their primary job.  

Parents of spiritual champions took parenting very seriously and realized that raising children was the most significant contribution they would ever make to society.  More than their jobs, their hobbies or their sports leagues.  Many times this conflicts with other friends or societies views as our society puts a high value on career advancement or academic progression.  These parents often stand out from the crowd and make personal life sacrifices that enhance their abilities to be better parents.

2. Parents are Life Coaches.   

Parents of spiritual champions realized that a majority of what their children would learn about life would be taught in the home and from their parents example.  In knowing this, the parents took an active role in being a Life Coach for their children.  Often times contradicting society or the medias portrayal of norms and values, these parents set a real life example of a productive member of society and took an active role in shaping their children's worldviews.

3. Soci-economic factors had no bearing on results. 

Parents of spiritual champions did not let financial standings impede their ability to parent effectively.  Many of these households are single income households with one parents taking the role as primary care-giver.  Not because of ignorance or lack of education but the fact that the parents realized that having one parent in a constant Life Coach role was more beneficial to raising their children. Money was not a factor in their outcome.

4. Put First Things First. 

As Stephen Covey taught us, these parents got their priorities straight. In modernEvobloglogo society, these parents are often frowned upon. Many Double Income parents have to outsource their parenting roles to teachers, coaches and the church and then cry foul on these institutions when their children have problems.  Parents of spiritual champions realize that their childrens education in academics, faith and morals and values is the priority of the parents and not any other institution.

These parents also focus on spending as much time with their children as possible.  This is contrary to many parents who work long hours then try to "buy" back quality time on weekends or by buying their children whatever they want in an attempt to make up for time lost because of work or other priorities in the parents life. 

Parents of spiritual champions also balance their childrens time differently.  They focus on faith and core values first then academics, sports and extracurricular activities and social lives.  73% of modern day parents place their children's time in exactly the opposite with little to no evidence that placing a high priority on academics or sports and extracurricular activities will yield positive results. See The Success Illusion for a better explanation.      

Lastly, parents of spiritual champions put first things first by openly discussing problems and faith issues as a family.  They look for everyday examples as an opportunity to talk and teach about faith and life values. 

5. Genuine Relationships.

Parents of spiritual champions are not like the parents portrayed in the latest movies or sitcoms. Meaning they have a hands off approach and only show up at opportune times.  Parents of spiritual champions seek to have a Mentor-Friend relationship with their children while maintaining their authority as a parent.  They have real conversations on life, morals and faith with their children and average 90-120 minutes of personal time with their children each day.  The national average for parents in the U.S. is 15 minutes of personal time with their children per day.

6. Intentional Spiritual Growth. 

Faith Parents of spiritual champions have measurable goals and benchmarks for their children and also set the example by continuing in their own spiritual journey and growth during their chidrens' lives.  The parents pray, read the Bible, attend seminars and lectures and look for opportunities to live and teach Christianity by their example to their children.  Many now adult spiritual champions said this was a big factor in their own choice to continue their faith and spiritual growth. 

These may be six simple truths but they take a lifetime to hone and live up to.  Legacy Dad tries to take these truths and package them into a customizable roadmap for raising spiritual champions. 

To end this post I also offer some caution.  While parenting should be a priority in a couples life, it is not the number one priority.  I have seen many couples try to do this and then the marriage ends because the focus shifted from the marriage to the children.  In my opinion the priorities should be faith, marriage, children.     

For more on this, see one of very first posts: The Foundation of the Legacy

To finish up Christianity 2009, we will discuss further some parenting techniques for raising spiritual champions and give some real world examples of how to implement this into your current parenting style. 

Part 9

Christianity 2.0.7: The Real Legacy

Preface to Christianity 2.0

Today we will continue to look at the foundations of followers of “The Way” and how being true to these foundations will bring forth a more spiritual journey and relationship with Christ.  For parenting, these are the foundations I want to instill in my children through my own personal modeling as well as core development while they are growing up.

4.  Intentional Spiritual Growth.  Following the way means that we derive our direction in life from our relationship with God.  My life changed significantly when I finally submitted to God and begin to ask God to direct my life for HIS purpose.  It led to Legacy Dad and many positive changes in my personal life, marriage and family.  I made it a priority to have a personal relationship with God and to not let outside influences deter this relationship. 

5.    Servanthood.  True love is shown through acts of selfless service.  Mimi Silbert, founder of the Delancey Street Foundation has changed thousands of hardened criminals into productive members of society without counseling, more prison time or special programs.  One of the core behaviors she focuses on is getting these criminals to be other focused.  Selfless Service and a willingness to see others succeed.  If this approach works for hardened criminals’ imagine the effects it would have on our children?  The Early Christian Church stressed servanthood and selfless service as a way to follow the example set by Jesus.  It showed their transformation and submission to the faith.  We need to focus on serving others rather than being served.

6.    Resource Investment.  For a long time I focused a good deal of my time on developing ways to invest my money to ultimately be wealthy and secure someday.  However, since I started Legacy Dad, I realized that money does not create a true legacy.  A true legacy comes from investing in relationships, people and sharing our wealth to help others.  Followers of the Way look for people and relationships they can invest their time and talents into to rather than material treasures or hobbies.  Also, the funny thing is, if you ever speak with someone materially wealthy, most will tell you that relationships played a big part in their material wealth and success.             

7.    Family Faith.  The final foundation of the Early Church and Followers of the Way place family faith as one of the most important tasks in their lives.  This is the whole reason for Legacy Dad.  Parents much teach and model their faith and positive behaviors everyday.  The church, while a good tool, will not raise our children into spiritual champions.  The home must be a place of God, teachings, and worship.  In the Early Christian Movement, the home was the only place of worship. 

I believe that following these 7 Foundations will bring us, as Christians, back to the beginnings of True Christianity.  I must also stress that those that strive to follow these seven foundations are not always seen by those involved in the church as the best examples of Christianity.  However, being true to these seven foundations is what Jesus called the “fruit.”  Jesus said to look not at the amount of religious information, verses or how many times we attended worship but at how we integrate his teachings into our everyday life.  This is the true fruit of a relationship with Christ.

I often say that I don’t care how people act at church or when they are in the view of other Christians but how do they act when no one can see them.  How do they act when they will receive no recognition or praise for following their beliefs?  This is the true test for us as well as our children.

In the final few posts of Christianity 2009, we will look at how to change our current worldview of our faith if we have strayed from the path and more importantly how our children and the younger generations can be a huge catalyst for living their lives more on purpose and changing the current view of Christianity.                

Part 8

Christianity 2.0.6: Breaking The Mold

Preface to Christianity 2.0

In this post we will look at a new type of Christian that is popping up in many local churches and we will also begin to unpack the traits of these new type of Christians.  Actually these Christians are not knew at all because I personally believe they emulate more the early "Followers of the Way."

First, I must address that many of these young Followers are currently frustrated with the current state of Christianity just like the outsiders but instead of leaving the church, they are trying to help the church evolve and in many instances, starting their own churches with great success. 

Many of these young leaders and authors are facing great criticism from the traditional church goers as well as those who fear change in the church.  The most common criticism I hear is that these young followers are not fully compliant with scripture and they are piece meal Christians.  However, I would like to state what peter said in Acts 11:9. 

"The voice spoke from heaven a second time, Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."    

We need to be very careful to critique peoples Spirituality and how they live it out, this is one of the main causes for many outsiders to leave the Church.  It is possible that God is working in this person in other ways than what we may see or call traditional.  I sure Martin Luther was called an unbiblical heretic at the time of the Reformation, but the people could not see God working in him. 

However, we must be wise and discerning about these leaders but not judgmental. I am constantly frustrated by Christians who finally get a calling and the courage to act on that calling and then when they begin, they are ridiculed, criticized and crushed not by Satan, but by our very own in the Christian community. 

Don't criticize those doing Gods work when we disagree with their style or approach.

Now lets look at the seven traits inherent to these Followers:

1. Intimate Worship and Relationship With God

These Followers believe in private and public worship almost daily.  Not necessarily a formal worship service but a praise to God.  When they worship, they are God focused.

This may seem rather trivial until you look at some statistics done again by the Barna Group. 

According to a poll of Christians meeting the Born Again criteria:

  • A majority said that formal church service is the only time they worship God
  • 8 out of 10, DO NOT feel connected to God during worship
  • Half of all believers say they have not felt connected with God in the last year.
  • 25% say that when they worship, God is the primary beneficiary of the worship.
  • Most say they are expecting something personally from the experience.

Now, please understand I love an entertaining service with great contemporary music, videos and powerpoint slides but the main focus has to be God focused not man focused.  Read Worship Is Not For Our Entertainment for more insight.

2. Faith-Based Conversations

Followers share Gods love, share their experience and relationship with God in positive, compassionate ways to others.  Their conduct in everyday life is an example oftheir faith.  

Again, research shows: 

  • Most "Born Agains" will die without ever leading someone else to Christ.
  • At any given time, they are not praying for the Salvation of a specific person.
  • Most believe that since they are not lay people, they do not know enough, are they are not blessed with the gift of evangelism, it is not their responsibility.

A few years, I seriously considered going to seminary and becoming ordained, until I spoke with a Pastor.  The pastor told me that I do not need to go to seminary to share God's word with others and many times having that title makes it harder to share with others because their defenses automatically go up.  He told me that I do not need to be perfect, or have the bible memorized but simply to be passionate and share God's love in my unique way with as many people as  possible.

3. Spiritual Friendships

Followers have spiritual friendships that involve accountability and mentorship.  They consistently seek mentors and friendships that can help them grow spiritually, especially in ways that they are lacking. 

You need multiple friends and mentors that are honest, accountable and willing to tell you when you are wrong.  For over a year on Legacy Dad, Dante emailed me and constantly challenged me to move forward with this weblog.  Not to mention, some other strong Christians who helped me and gave me greater clarity and vision for this ministry.  (Thanks Peter B. and Tim K.)

Research shows that of "Born Agains":

  • Only 1 in 6 - has a spiritual relationship that involves accountability.
  • Any a majority said that significant choices in their life were most influenced by media, family and co-workers rather than teachings or advice from fellow Christians or mentors. 

To recap, we have started to take a look at the traits of those Christians who are breaking the mold of the current state of Christianity and hoping to evolve the faith back to its roots.  In the next post, The Real Legacy, we will unpack the final 4 traits and then further examine how this growing group of Christian followers views the Church.        

Part 7

Christianity 2.0.5: The Early Christian Movement

Preface to Christianity 2.0

In order to get a grasp on where the Christian faith is currently and where we need to move to next, I think we must first examine our roots.  I wanted to know if todays Christian movement matched that of the early followers. 

Note that in the beginning, followers were not called Christians but "Followers of the Way."  I will also use this term to describe the modern Christian believers who break the traditional mold and exhibit some of the traits of the early Christians.  I believe the example being set by many of these "Followers" is the key to solving the Christianity problem discussed in the previous posts. 

So what were early followers like? 

Did they argue over doctrine?  Did they have elaborate worship services?  Did they bicker with other Christians over whose rituals were most biblical? 

Not exactly.  Look at a passage from Acts 2:42-47

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.  All the believers were together and had everything in common.  Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."

Acts 4:31-35

 "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and much grace was upon them all. There were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had need."

So basically what I took from this was that the Early Followers:

Were devoted to following the teachings of Jesus

Had fellowship, worship and prayed together

Met together and had meals

Shared in their belongings, wealth and helped the needy.

They were one in heart and mind

Testified the resurrection of Jesus

And because of this, God added to their numbers daily. 

I see nothing of telling people they are going to Hell, holding political rallies or judging and criticizing their peers?

I envision a movement of young Christians who are tired of the judgmental, hypocritical ways and want to move forward to bring Christianity back to its original roots.  A Christianity that invites all people, helps all people and is the light of the earth.  

A movement of people who are the first to lend a helping hand and who are slow to judge but quick to forgive and offer grace.  A movement of people who live their faith by their daily actions and who are not afraid to proclaim they are Christians.  

A movement of people who read the Bible daily with their families, who pray openly and honestly about all issues and make their faith in Jesus Christ the driving passion in their lives. 

In the next post, Breaking The Mold, we will look at seven ways to move closer to this reality.  

-Esse Quam Videri-