The Screwtape Letters: Noise

In C.S. Lewis's classic The Screwtape Letters, Lewis discusses some of the various "techniques" that Satan and his demons use against us.  One of those techniques is what Lewis calls "Noise"Here is my friend Les's struggle with Noise.  Les originally wrote this story talking about getting started in real estate investing, I changed a few sentences to emphasize biblical principles.

Noise: The Well Story by Les Gee

Here's a personal story.

After 16 yrs of education now with a BA in Statistics from UC Berkeley coming out feeling like a total idiot even though I did well there...I decide to go to a farm in Oregon. A three-month experience design to learn about oneself through doing. Milk Cows, Feed Chicken, build barbecues etc. It was during those countless times of doing that I became acutely aware of the "noise" in my head that says I can't do that because I didn't go to school for it. Oh, how easy we are programmed.

If you hadn’t taken a class in it, how do you expect to know the subject? What are you doing Les? You don't have a degree in electricity. How can you possibly wire a light bulb? You never even picked up a hammer before. This ranch was design to give you enough information and then let you at it.

Remember, seeing the foreman lay carpet by himself. Mine if I help. ...Only 15 minutes gone by before… “Go ahead and finish It.” said the foreman. "Huh?", was in my head, but of course my voice, said, "ok". Didn’t want to seem unsure of myself. You know that manly macho thing.

Why is it that I had so much doubt and fear? I come to a startling realization after years of tackling this noise problem. We all have it. Must be born with it. Maybe or parents constantly saying “NO” to us.

To live for greatness in life, we must learn to overcome this for any chance of success.

A life changing moment

When I was working on a well, another supervisor of the ranch said all I want you to do is change this fitting with a cap. By the way when you take out the pipe fitting, water will be gushing out pretty fast. Off he went. Wow, my first plumbing job. (By the way, I screwed up the carpet job, but no job is perfect!) Take off one fitting and put on a cap. No problem, how hard can this be? Sure enough off came the pipe...water spilling out in this hot day. Panic set in as I attempted to put on the cap. In one second, "It doesn't fit! It doesn't fit! Yelled the noise in my head. "Go for help!" After 5 seconds of more noise screaming.... Enough! Shut up you stupid voice, how hard is this! (This is the moment I look at when I want to shut the noise and to believe that we all have within us the common sense and divine guidance to do whatever we want in life.)

Well, after calming down and letting the water gush at my stomach...aha...I'm turning the fitting counterclockwise, not clockwise in my panic. Wha-La it worked. Wow, what a powerful voice that was. Where did that come from? Do we all have it? Only one second and instant noise saying call for help? BA degree Les, you can’t put on a stupid fitting?

The noise is powerful. Don't underestimate the voice that says you can't do something. Trust in yourself. Trust in what you believe to be true. The more you don’t give in to the noise, the less power it has over your life.

3 years later I could be found working as a electronics technician fixing the machines that made the computer chips at Intel. It is truly amazing to me that the “noise” would pop up daily.

Les what in the world are you doing here? You can’t fix this? You haven’t been trained. Those other techs have more experience than you. You are a bookworm not a mechanic.  If you flip that switch the whole line of machines will shut off.

You better stop.Do no harm.Better quit.Why don’t you find another line of work.They are going to find out you know squat.

Yadda yadda yadda. Constant noise in the head. Every day striving to bring me down. Man do others have this noise?

The job description basically was to fix machines you were barely trained to fix. By the seat of your pants you had to fix it. Was the most stressful job I ever had, more so than air traffic controlling

Here I was working on the state of the art machinery. Trying to fix these machines, with little to no schooling on the machines. I vividly remember my first day. Went on call on a clean station. The supervisor was looking at the thing and said to me, I’ve never work on this before. Within 15 minutes he had it up an running.

Maybe 1 month later I could be found underneath a machine looking at all these values. Les you can’t shut that off, you can causes thousands of dollars of damage. “SHUT UP NOISE, it just a simple value. Let’s see it only goes to my machine. Yes, I’m flipping the switch. No explosion….sigh. No one yelling production is down…sign. Another noise successfully shut up.

3 years later, my last year remember working on a wet station.I was the expert on this machinery. Could remember my bosses boss and his boss looking over my shoulder as thousand and thousand of dollars were riding on when I can get this equipment up. The whole line of production was down. “I don’t know, I just got here, could you give me a minute?”

It's a fun game, "Life"...if you learn to follow your dreams and don't let the noise get in your way.

Maybe most of us do need a mentor just to remove all the noise one gets bombarded with?

Yes, life is fun. Realize we all have noise and it can be managed with constant supervision.The key to true greatness in life is overcoming the noise.

Oh, and it never stops. Just this week 5/18/04 was in dialogue with Out of state acquisitions…. Noise, laws, property management, etc. Out of country business proposition… Noise, laws, customs? Buying an existing medical practice… Noise, don’t have a clue about the profession or businesses $200,000 in 3.5 hours from request to cashiers check….Noise, never did it that fast…Completed  Disbursing another $500,000 in 48 hrs…Completed. (no noise…hey getting better, this was actually simple…hmm)

If you hadn’t figured it out by now, I will tackle almost anything. Won’t let noise stop me, however will pass if it does not make sense.

Let me ask you are you letting NOISE in YOUR head stop YOU from being what God truly designed you for in life?

Or you letting NOISE in YOUR head stop you from being a Mother Teresa?

Find you passion, and don’t let it go.

Follow your passion and don’t let your limiting beliefs stop you. Be rigorous in your self-talk. Watch your language that you say to others and yourself. Be around doers in life, not couch potatoes.

Life is too short to be playing small. Shoot for the stars and you will reach the moon.


Derek's Mission

By Derek Cladek

In August of 2006, Steven and I had the opportunity to visit the nation of Uganda. Over the past two decades Uganda has beenstruck by war and a growing problem of Aids, resulting in over 2 millionorphans across the whole nation. We wereconnected to Uganda by aministry called World Outreach Ministry Foundation; they have been establishedin Ugandafor over two-decades now.

ThroughW.O.M.F., we were able to visit orphanages and schools to meet with thechildren and talk with them, pass out school supplies and even play soccer withsometimes hundreds of kids on a field. We even got to visit some prisons, we passed out soap, food, drinks, andclothing, a lot of the prisoners get sick because they have none of thesethings, and some of these people were thrown into prison for very smalloffenses. With W.O.M.F. we also had theopportunity to visit Rwanda, which if you have not heard is still recoveringfrom one of the most brutal genocides that ever took place, in fact a few weeksbefore we arrived they just recovered 500 more bodies, and it has been about 15years since the genocide happened. Wewere able to visit some memorials and the Hotel Rwanda.

We were both very privileged to visit Africa, and through our visit we wished we could somehow affect Africa the way it affected us.  The problem with Africa  right now is that the money is not getting to the right hands.  A lot of times you might hear that a celebrity has donated millions of dollars to prevent AIDS, but the people rarely et to see a dime of it, because the governments and wealthy are hoarding all the money for themselves. This is why we wish to raise money through our business at Ultimate Fitness Gear to not only go back someday, but also to start a few orphanages to feed the funds to the right people, to the foundations that actually make a difference.  We have dreams that our business will be successful so that we can help as much as possible.  Our business is dedicated to good health and an active lifestyle; our main product is P90X although we have a variety of workout routines like Hip Hop Abs and Slim In 6

Derek is a Legacy Dad reader and is committed to advancing God's work especially in Africa.  Please check out his site at Ultimate Fitness Gear - for all your fitness needs.  the P90X product was featured on Legacy Dad earlier this summer. 


God Men

I ran into this website the other day and I really like what they are talking about.  Check out this little video clip.   

Here is what their site says: 

Welcome to GodMen, where you'll  find power, honesty, courage and your tribe of brothers.

Wehave committed to see what would happen if, for one day, our faith andits struggles would be discussed with absolute honesty, transparencyand openness - not sugar coated or framed in church language butinstead spoken in frankness and maturity. The GodMen event creates anenvironment familiar with and conducive to the way men are madecomfortable and the unique way men interact.

We are unique in that we provide audience-speaker dialogue andinteraction in order to teach men how to shoulder each others’ burdens,never to be alone again. Our ultimate desire is to encourage men toleave committed to daily acts of courage, guiding them into a new andfresh journey. Does this resonate with you and your search for meaningand truth? Then you are of our tribe - come walk with us and bring yourunique life experience and perspective to our journey.

                    We don't want you....we need you.

Sounds like their are right up the Legacy Dad alley...

Check out their whole site at God Men


The Ultimate Gift

I got an advertisement from Christianbooks about a week ago about this movie called  "The Ultimate Gift."  I read the preview and it sounded a lot like what I am trying to do here at Legacy Dad: 

Guide my children through a series of "tests" to learn true values
Teach them practical life skills
Raise their awareness on important issues
Develop a strong faith and biblical morals as the foundation in their life
And pass on a legacy to them in the future.  Monetary and Spiritual

So I pre-ordered this DVD and we watched it the other night.  I was completely blown away, this is one of the best movies of the year and I am recommending it to everyone.  Buy it or go out and rent it. 

Watch the trailer and then check out the book and all the other tools on their website:

The Ultimate

The Legacy You Want to Give

Parents can evaluate how well they're passing on a spiritual legacy to their children by answering these questions

by  J. Otis Ledbetter and Kurt Bruner

Weall have good and bad parts to the legacy we have inherited. The key isto move forward from here. For some, taking a closer look at the legacythey’ve been given helps them assess the legacy they want to pass on.After considering your past, here are some practical tips for thefuture:

Decide what you’ll keep: You probablyhave things you received that are wonderful and need to be kept andpassed on. Other things may need to be thrown out. Or, perhaps you havea weak legacy that needs strengthening.

Whatever you received,you can now intentionally pass along the good. This isn’t always easy.If you saw hypocrisy in your parents’ lives, you may be tempted tothrow everything out even though much of what your parents modeled wasgood. Don’t. That would be like burning down the house to get rid ofsome bugs.

Realize that God can redeem even the “bad stuff” in your legacy.Unfortunately many of us have parts of our legacy that are weak or evenawful. Maybe one of your parents was an alcoholic or abusive or didn’tprovide the nurturing you needed. In today’s society, the stories ofsuch families are common. You may be asking, “How do I give something Ididn’t receive? Nobody modeled this stuff for me.”

Hope is notlost. Consider the story of Josiah from the Old Testament in the Bible.His father and grandfather were involved in many wicked things,including idol worship that threatened the entire nation. But after8-year-old Josiah became king of Judah, he reversed that trend. Hesought God and purged Judah of idols, repaired the temple and saved anation.

Like Josiah, you can choose which things in your legacyare no good and throw them away. It’s important to break the cycle ofhurt by leaving bad things behind and creating a new legacy. If youdon’t know God, this is a good time to introduce yourself. Legacies arenot easily broken and always benefit from His guidance.

Chart anew course as you begin a positive legacy for yourself and those youlove. Research suggests that most fathers will parent the way they wereparented. That means only a minority of fathers will change theirparenting style — even if their parenting is wrong! Today, you can takepositive steps to design a new heritage for yourself and your family.

Emotional Legacy Evaluation

Answereach question by circling the number that best reflects the legacy youhave received from your parents. Then add up your score.

1. When you walked into your house, what was your feeling?

  1. Dread
  2. Tension
  3. Chaos
  4. Stability
  5. Calm
  6. Warmth

2. Which word best describes the tone of your home?

  1. Hateful
  2. Angry
  3. Sad
  4. Serious
  5. Relaxed
  6. Fun

3. What was the message of your family life?

  1. You are worthless.
  2. You are a burden.
  3. You are okay.
  4. You are respected.
  5. You are important.
  6. You are the greatest.

4. Which word best describes the "fragrance" of your home life?

  1. Repulsive
  2. Rotten
  3. Unpleasant
  4. Sterile
  5. Fresh
  6. Sweet

5. Which was most frequent in your home?

  1. An intense fight
  2. The silent treatment
  3. Detached apathy
  4. A strong disagreement
  5. A kind word
  6. An affectionate hug


Above 24 = Strong emotional legacy

19 - 24 = Healthy legacy

14 - 18 = Mixed legacy - good and bad elements

10 - 13 = Weak emotional legacy

Below 10 = Damaged emotional legacy

Social Legacy Evaluation

Answereach question by circling the number that best reflects the legacy youhave received from your parents. Then add up your score.

1. Which words most closely resemble the social tone of your family?

  1. Cruel and abusive
  2. Cutting sarcasm
  3. Chaotic and distant
  4. Noncommunicative but stable
  5. Secure with open communication
  6. Loving and fun

2. What was the message of your home life with regard to relationships?

  1. "Step on others to get your way."
  2. "Hurt them if they hurt you."
  3. "Demand your rights."
  4. "Mind your own business."
  5. "Treat others with respect."
  6. "Put others before yourself."

3. How were rules set and enforced in your home?

  1. Independent of relationship
  2. In reaction to parental stress
  3. Dictatorially
  4. Inconsistently
  5. Out of concern for my well-being
  6. In the context of a loving relationship

4. Which word best characterizes the tone of communication in your home?

  1. Shouting
  2. Manipulation
  3. Confusing
  4. Clear
  5. Constructive
  6. Courteous

5. How did your family deal with wrong behavior?

  1. Subtle reinforcement
  2. Accepted in the name of love
  3. Guilt trip
  4. Severe punishment
  5. Discussion
  6. Loving, firm discipline


Above 24 = Strong social legacy

19 - 24 = Healthy legacy

14 - 18 = Mixed legacy — good and bad elements

10 - 13 = Weak social legacy

Below 10 = Damaged social legacy

Spiritual Legacy Evaluation

Answereach question by circling the number that best reflects the legacy youhave received from your parents. Then add up your score.

1. To what degree were spiritual principles incorporated into daily family life?

  1. Never
  2. Rarely
  3. Sometimes
  4. Frequently
  5. Almost always
  6. Consistently

2. Which word captures the tone of how you learned to view/relate to God?

  1. Absent
  2. Adversarial
  3. Fearful
  4. Casual
  5. Solemn
  6. Intimate

3. How would you summarize your family’s level of participation in spiritual activities?

  1. Nonexistent
  2. Rare
  3. Occasional
  4. Regimental
  5. Active
  6. Enthusiastic

4. How were spiritual discussions applied in your home?

  1. They weren't
  2. To control
  3. To manipulate
  4. To teach
  5. To influence
  6. To reinforce

5. What was the perspective in your home regarding moral absolutes?

  1. If it feels good, do it!
  2. There are no absolutes.
  3. Let your heart guide you.
  4. Dogmatic legalism
  5. Moderate conservatism
  6. Clear boundaries


Above 24 = Strong spiritual legacy

19 - 24 = Healthy legacy

14 - 18 = Mixed legacy — good and bad elements

10 - 13 = Weak spiritual legacy

Below 10 = Damaged spiritual legacy

Reposted from Focus on the Family