Stoke the Flames

One of the greatest movies from the 90's included these four words: "Pop quiz, hot shot." In this episode, Dante quizzes Dave on an important Legacy Dad topic: how do you stoke the fire? Tune in to hear Dave's analogy to what you actually need to have a successful fire, and take the lessons and apply them to your lives!

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Can I Get a Mulligan?

Mulligan: a stroke that is played from the same spot that a player hit their previous shot, looking to re-do their play without penalty. Mulligans are helpful in golf, but what about in parenting? If you could hit the "re-do" button on being a dad, what would that look like? If you've got the experience of being a dad, what would you tell a new dad? What are the keys? Dante leads the conversation, speaking of loving your wife, respecting her and the kids, being the spiritual leader, and more. Additionally, Dante provides an update to the Legacy Dads ministry and podcast. The legacy continues!

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Bad Parenting: Are We Pharisaical or Christ Like?

Parents are we being more Christ-like with a balance of truth and grace or pharisaical with threats, rules, and demanding obedience? Too many mental health problems in children today come from poor parenting styles or worse, emotional abuse left unchecked. Learn the signs of bad parenting and how to turn away and become more balanced and Christ like.

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Easter 2021 - What Is Our Identity?

Easter 2021, What Is Our Identity? Can identity change? Who and what defines our identity and being. Do we listen to popular culture or the media for our identity or does our identity come from God? This Easter Sunday 2021, strive to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.

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