Discipleship Series, Part 5: Spiritual Parents

In this final part of the five-part series on discipleship, Dave and Dante talk about the discipleship goal of every Christian: helping to produce other disciples. The Great Commission is a command to "go and make," and when we are producing new disciples, we are fulfilling that call to action. Listen in as we discuss the characteristics, phrases and actions, and needs of spiritual parents. Where are you at in your discipleship journey? We hope you've enjoyed the past five episodes!

Couple the walk through the discipleship journey with the Legacy Dads stages of parenthood:


Upcoming Events:

March 21, 2022: Legacy Dads Book Club Virtual Hangout. All are welcome!

Counterfeit Gods Hangout

Monday, March 21 · 9:15 – 10:00pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/hra-joqe-kmj

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 682-302-2585‬ PIN: ‪776 549 009‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/hra-joqe-kmj?pin=7494978220147

June 17-18, 2022: Legacy Dads at Grid Iron Men’s Conference, Huntsville AL. https://www.gridironmen.org

Psalms and Prayers of Intercession for the people of Ukraine and Russia

Will you pray with us?

Psalms 8

Psalms 91

Prayers of intercession for people in Ukraine and Russia.

Why pray for others?

"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way."

1 Timothy 2:1-2

Discipleship Series, Part 4: Spiritual Young Adult

As we continue the discipleship series, we reach a turning point: spiritual young adulthood. In this stage, the focus turns from focusing inward to focusing outward and figuring out how to serve God and His kingdom. While the passion and intensity to serve Him is contagious, there are still needs that must be met in order to continue the discipleship journey. Listen in as Dave and Dante discuss the characteristics, common phrases, and needs of the spiritual young adult.

Couple the walk through the discipleship journey with the Legacy Dads stages of parenthood:


Upcoming Events:

March 21, 2022: Legacy Dads Book Club Virtual Hangout. All are welcome! We’ll be discussing chapters 3 and 4 of “Counterfeit Gods” by Tim Keller. Details will be sent out next week!

June 17-18, 2022: Legacy Dads at Grid Iron Men’s Conference, Huntsville AL. https://www.gridironmen.org

Discipleship Series, Part 3: Spiritual Childhood

In this episode, Dave and Dante move to the third stage of discipleship: spiritual childhood. What are the characteristics that one can identify with this stage of discipleship? Mostly, it's an inward-looking faith. And that's okay! The guys discuss some common phrases that one might hear from a spiritual child, and more importantly, talk about what the needs are...and how to meet them. Enjoy the journey, and continue to help them grow!

Combine the stages of discipleship with the stages of growth (link below), and you’ve got yourself a pretty good strategy at finding your way through parenthood…both physical and spiritual!


Order your copy of “DiscipleShift” here:


Legacy Dads Upcoming Events

Hey all! Just a few quick reminders about some upcoming events we have going on with Legacy Dads. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Legacy Dads Book Club current book: Counterfeit Gods, by Timothy Keller

Virtual Hangout: March 7, 2022. 9:15pm - 10:00pm. Feel free to join in!

“Counterfeit Gods” Hangout

Monday, March 7 · 9:15 – 10:00pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/zfv-mfsz-gqm

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 786-504-5783‬ PIN: ‪862 034 562‬#

More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/zfv-mfsz-gqm?pin=3864062691958

Legacy Dads In Person Hangout at Grid Iron Men’s Conference: June 17-18, 2022, Huntsville Alabama


Discipleship Series, Part 2: Spiritual Infancy

In this second part of a five-part series on the stages of discipleship, Dave and Dante talk about the neediest stage of them all: spiritual infancy. Listen in for characteristics that are associated with new believers, and learn who and what is important for them to continue on their spiritual growth journey! Tune in for part 3, spiritual childhood, in the next episode.