Hey, Dad, ever wondered if youhave what it takes to connect with your kids?
According to a study fromthe University of Virginia, if you've got a relationship with JesusChrist, you're already heading in the right direction.
"...evangelical dads spent more time with children playing, helping with homework and talking."
W.Bradford Wilcox, an assistant sociology professor, studied fathers ofchildren 5 to 18 years old. Evangelical Protestant dads came out on topor near the top in every category compared to fathers from otherdenominations and those with no religious affiliation.
According toWilcox's research, evangelical dads spent more time with childrenplaying, helping with homework and talking. They ate an average of 27more meals a year with their children and were more likely to coachyouth sports or lead youth activities.
"Evangelical Protestantfathers are very involved with their children, which I foundsurprising, given their tendency to embrace traditional genderattitudes," Wilcox noted.
So how can you defy society's expectations and become an even better dad than you already are?
•Watch a favorite TV show with your child. Ask him about the charactersand storyline. This is a simple way to enter your child's world andrecognize other influences that affect the way he thinks.
• Takeyour son or daughter to a restaurant you both like. Share favoritethings and talk one-on-one without the competing demands of othersiblings, phone calls or TV.
• Keep reading. Even tweens will enjoy reading a book aloud with you.
•Include children in projects. Ask them to help you string the Christmaslights, paint the basement or change the oil in the car. The teaching,connecting and fun will be invaluable.
• Know their friends. As children get older, knowing them means knowing their friends.
I found this post over at Dynamic Dads, check out Paul's site and what he is doing.