James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
I am in a time in my life were I have three kids ages five and under and have been feeling like I am looking at life through a glass window and without even realizing it, I am missing it. I want to qualify to you all that I am fully engaged with my family and my wife. I am serving at Church and am happy that I have a job that, aside from the politics at hand, I love doing. However, as of late, I have been wrestless and wandering with my thoughts. I have been, what feels like, under some spiritual attack, and I am constantly tired to boot. As I read the paper, turn on the news stations and talk with work and family, I cannot help but wonder what God would want us to do during this holiday season.
Jesus loves me, this I know. For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong, they are weak and He is strong. God loved us enough (that's all of you, Lance and myself included) that he sent his only Son to earth to save us. He would be called Emmanuel (God with us) and he would grow into a man that would fulfill every prophet's prophecy about Him. He performed many miracles, which included healing the sick, the blind, the dumb and even raising the dead. He would walk along side twelve trusted men who he called his disciples. And he would teach them what it meant to God to be a servant leader. At the end of His ministry, he came not to replace the law, but to fulfill it. He suffered a gruesome death, and some would argue the most painful death that the Romans perfected in the crucifixion, but Death could not hold him in the ground. He rose again on the third day and his death and blood allows all of us to be saved. We know that our Redeemer lives and is calling all of us dads to do something more, to be something better. To be servant leaders.
All this being said, brings me to the tough economic times that we are in. Retailers are scrambling to find ways to sell their product to us, the consumers. "Buy, buy, buy, spend spend spend" is their call. And don't worry about debt, we have plenty of credit for you..."
Instead of going crazy with gifts, why not take a look at those who are grieving. Those who are poor. Those who are suffering and those who may have nothing. Let's teach our children the true meaning of "pure religion" and to show them how to be a servant leader. Children's Hunger Fund is one charity that reaches out to help those children who are in need. Let's take the time over the next few weeks and find a charity, or a soup kitchen, or a local church who is helping the widows and orphans this Christmas.
visit CHF: Children's Hunger Fund