Hate or Love
1 John 2:9Anyone who claimsto be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. 10Whoeverloves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him[c] to makehim stumble. 11But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walksaround in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because thedarkness has blinded him.”
Does this mean if someonedoesn’t like me that they hate me? Whatif someone continually attacks me and/or my character? How about this, ifsomeone continues to be a thorn in your side? What about if you find yourself under spiritual attack and you try andidentify that attack to a person? Doesthis give me a right to hate my brother? Absolutely not, if I am under trial or tribulation, which could be froma co-worker (or a brother in the church) should I automatically assume that theproblem lies with them and not with me?
How can we tell who is right or wrong? Imean, seriously, if I am a ministry leader shouldn’t I always be right? If I am reading the word of God everyday andpraying often, doesn’t that mean that the other person must be wrong? Do you hate your brother? Let me be specific, is there someone in yourchurch, mini church, neighborhood or workplace that is causing you tostumble? That is causing you to hatethem? Can you justify thatposition? If so, then re-read 1 John2:9-11, and then re-ask the question. Seriously, Galatians 6 tells us that we should test ourselves and onlyourselves. The Book of James tells usthat through trial and tribulation we build perseverance and through perseverancewe build maturity. Spiritual Maturity,we find in Hebrews 5 & 6, gives us the ability to immediately discern goodfrom evil.
So where should you go tofind out who is right and wrong: 1)Scripture 2) Prayer 3) Leaders in yourchurch 4) Accountability Partners (which may include your wives if you are married) and 5) Galatians 5 – that is, are you bearingfruit of the Spirit or Fruit of the Sinful Nature. Scripture is very clear between the two. You cannot possibly be walking in the lightif you are bearing fruit from both.
So now what? Do you hate your brother? Do you hate your sister? Are these questions penetrating to thesoul? If so, repent, ask God to directyou in the right course and pray for forgiveness.
And remember, God is good allthe time. All the time God is good.