Trials and Tribulations


AsI write this entry, I have just returned from a four night business conferenceand had the pleasure in being able to take my wife.  What I find interesting is when you aretrying to take that step and walk by faith where the littlest things (things =attacks and trials) come from.  I willnot bore you with the details, but I can honestly say that I am not surprisedby the circumstance.  Here is the thing,when we are attacked we cannot control the situation, but we can decide on howwe are going to respond to that attack. The Book James put is like this:  “James1:2-4 (New International Version)  “2Considerit pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because youknow that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance mustfinish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”  I like the saying that says we cannot controlour days or what happens every hour, but we can make a cognitive decision abouthow we let our attitudes dictate the course of our action.  For instance, I was blindsided today by someonewho I would never have guessed could give into rage and/or lack hospitality,but nothing will surprise me anymore given today’s course of events.  I could have chosen to respond in a verynegative way, or I can take the words of James and put things into the biggerpicture. 

Hereis the thing, we are going to make mistakes, it is not the sin nor the mistakeswe make that marks the type of Christian we are.  Rather, it is the course of action andattitude that we chart our path through the course.  I could have chosen the path that leads toanger, which leads to rage, which would be followed up by more sin, or I canchoose to weigh my response and to consider it pure joy when trials andtribulations come my way.  I thank Godthat He is patient with a sinner like me and that He gives me mercy and graceto not only say that I am forgiven, but to also say that I am a child ofGod.  I am royalty and I need to acceptthat things are this earth will come and pass us by, but we should be trainingfor the long race ahead and be asking ourselves, “how do you plan on finishingthis race.  The Christian race whereothers in your paths will ask you where your hope comes from and how your lifeis different from theirs? 

Nomatter what curveball life throws at you, next time take a step back andreflect (say a little prayer) and ask God to guide you through His Holy Spiritand to make your path straight and your footsteps sound.  To God be the glory, forever and ever,amen!!!