Building on Foundations of a Legacy

To continue on Gary's theme of leaving a legacy for our children or for children who have no dad's (and/or mom's) to leave a legacy, I would like to talk about themes that have been going on in my life as of late.  

As a Men's Ministry Leader, for whatever that is worth, I have the privilege and honor to talk with men and to really get down to the "nitty and gritty" in their lives with them.  I want to be specific and tell you that I am talking about Christian men here and not unsaved and lost men.  That being said, there has been some things that have hit me hard as of late and I am struggling with them as I persevere through trial and tribulations.  Themes like:  Men cheating on wives and Men failing to lead their families and Men not being serious about their faith.  How about, men not being happy with the preaching - saying things like, "their Pastor does not preach expository preaching or they say that their church leaders are more 'Christian-Lite' then really preaching the truth.

The hard part that I have about this is that, to be honest, all circumstances are different and therefore some details may be different.  However, in fairness to leadership (Pastors, Elders and Deacons), wherever these individuals go, it is my belief that they will find fault in the institution that they go to.  You have probably heard the saying, the problem that I have with church is all the people.  Simpy said, but more to the point, it should be said that I have problems with all the sin.  We so often forget to love the sinner, but not to love the sin.  In Galatians 6 we read that God is not mocked and He is a holy God.  We also read in Mathew 18 and other portions of Scripture that if a brother (or sister) is caught in sin that we should rebuke them gently and go and talk to them.  To encourage them to repent and to lift them up.  If they refuse, then we should bring another witness or two and if that doesn't work to bring them into the congregation- if that doesn't work then we are to turn them over to the devil in hopes that they will be broken to the point of repentance.  Upon their repentance, then we are encourage to restore them back to fellowship.

As for those that complain and or are bitter about the lack of preaching and or the lack of expository preaching then I would encourage them to read and memorize Hebrews 13:17 and to read and memorize the entire book of James.  That is, to say, that these leaders (teachers and pastors) that mislead or do not lead in the way that they should be are called to a higher level of judgement and will have to give an account for their actions.  I would encourage them to talk with leadership and to stand on Scripture the way that John Calvin and Martin Luther did against tyranny and unbiblical truths.  

Here is the thing, at the Judgement Seat of Christ, I cannot say to God that Lance, or Gary or anyone else was the reason why I was a bad steward with my gifts and talents.  

There is a whole lot more to say, but with this, what do you have to say?

Let me know,
