Here is a follow up to Gary's post on serving. This is a letter to my kids on one of their giving projects this Christmas. Also check out Dino Rizzo's awesome site and book Servolution.
Dear Kids,
Hola! my name is Aracali Mus Say and I live with my husband in Panyebar, San Juan which is 7,000 feet high in the mountains of western Guatemala. Our house is cement block with a tin roof. I am 28 years old and we have not started a family. We have prayed and are waiting on the Lord about the blessing of children. In the meantime, we are working toward the goal of a more secure life fro ourselves and future children.
My dear husband works in the fields and he works hard when he can find work. It isn't constant and sometimes there isn't enough for much food but there are only two of us at this time so we can share.
I was unable to go to scholl because my parents needed me to work. I make beaded balls in joy for it means that we have money to pay for necessities. We try to put aside for later needs and babies to come. This is a blessing and special time that we have been given A time to prepare.
Thank you so much for your gifts and assistance. My favorite verse is Psalm 118:5 Praise the Lord.
Feliz Navidad,