Just came up with that title. Life insurance is all about preparing your legacy for the future. That's why your legacy is Life Insurance. Popped into my head after a morning on T and FB and other blogs. Why? Because of the law of thermodynamics. Expanding universe and growing human and earth history means the energy comes from somewhere. My vote is the slowing pace of Hope in the future is what’s being lost to the universe. WAIT, that's all wrong.FORMATION FLYING. DAD YOU MUST BE FLIGHT LEAD. YOUR WINGMEN ARE TUCKED IN. IF YOU CRASH, THEY CRASH.
But it is a good intro to the notion we should--all of us, fathers, sons, grandfathers--be intent upon to insure a hopeful future for our "seed".
My contribution for freedom, defense, and military might was flying Navy Phantoms (when I was but a mere lad...$25 M plane/toy for a 25 year old). The certain future of every flight is losing power and a stall and crash. That is, unless we provide for that inevitability by doing what's right; namely clear on the assignment, adequate flying skill, pre-flighting all systems, and filling up with gas.
Oh, and there is this thing called "solo". That's someone flying all by his macho self. Seldom happens. Skipper wouldn't allow it. Safety and mission concerns. So, we fly in formation, even in the endless air combat drills.
Only the brightest or luckiest among us will get the implications without a little coaching. May I coach you?
Life is headed for a certain crash. Guaranteed. Depending on the mission, condition of my vehicle (plane), and the weather, most flights are a kick. As is life. Except when it's not. Like a bad plane with a lot of un-repaired "gripes" (sin) and/or not sufficient fuel to accomplish life's mission (what you were created to fulfill in God's design for His Kingdom). We called the aircraft "down" when any systems would not sustain the rigors of the mission. Are you “down” or “up” ready for the flight?
Almost to the good part. It's worth a short read further.
So, are you adequately "fixed" for the flight. Sin is universal. So is the potential for each life/flight to crash. Get sin fixed. Jesus, like the Aviation Boson's Mate, does fix gripes when asked. It's called Atonement. OK, now yer ready to strap that powerful beauty on. You know your NATOPS (aircraft and airspace manual...don't leave home without it), and your airmanship skills are honed. Like understanding the Word of God for ordinary life/flight and for emergencies.
What about the mission and the duration into the flight? We dads get a mission assignment from God. If you don't know what you're here for, why take off? You are unique, so is your role in the overall mission (cover, bomb, recon). But, the only way well get there is to have a full bag of gas. That's JP-4 or your dependence on the indwelling Holy Spirit. That's God piece of Himself deposited in your heart on His behalf so we could serve on His behalf.
You with me?
Now for the bottom line of this post and your/my life. We DO NOT accomplish a mission, large or small, alone. For me, it's "wingmen." For Lance, it's his Ranger buddies. Never, as in NEVER, go it alone. Sure that's the American Way. But fathering the independent, self-sufficient, self-guided cowboy way is why fathering in America and the world is going oh so wrong (and also the theme of my book in progress, Generational Fathering…do you see a wingman there?)
If you are a dad, you're the flight lead. If you are a son (aren't we all?), you're the wingman.
Back to the beginning for the end.
The future seems darkening, even for we "glass-half-full" types. Mission the same for us all; leave a good and godly generation to stand as sources of light for the darkening future. Weather will be rough, darkness is likely to prevail. The legacy, the future of your mission as a father must be more focused than ever. Are you modeling hope, character, right choices, Dad? Is your wingman tucked in like a Blue Angel and committed to your lead. Now, THAT beats an awesome airshow. Are YOU clear on your mission, savvy about your NATOPS/Word, sufficiently motivated to finish well the flight, and do you have what else it takes, like enough "gas" to sustain your challenging role?
Take it from this winged (if retired) sailor, there is no greater challenge or hope but to return to "home plate" with mission accomplished and all wingmen (sons and daughters) safely lined up in the landing pattern to snag a number three wire on the carrier, even on rainy nights in pitching seas (That's another story for later) and live vigorously for the next flight...and the future ones in which they, too, will be flight lead.
I hope you’ve endured this longish post with a moment of contemplation.
Gary (www. Gendads.com)