Tomorrow marks my first born's eighth birthday and my wife and I are throwing him an "around the World" birthday part. Rooms have been transformed into China, Russia, Italy, The USA , Mexico, The Caribbean Islands, Ireland and Australia. Games will be played through each Country except for Italy (they will be making their own Pizza's) and the USA (they will be eating a cake designed as a flag). When they enter the house they will be required to go through Customs and have their passports stamped and processed before entering the "Around the World" experience. Their suitcases will be bags designed to hold their spoils of travel. As exciting as the imagination can make this sound, I have to tell you that I am more excited and humbled that eight years ago (tomorrow) my wife and I had our first child together.In these past eight years, this boy named Trey, has impacted our lives so much. As a matter of fact, it was not until I had a son that I could even
resonate the message of Salvation to my father. You see, he didn't want a "know-it-all" son telling him what to do or how he should do it. However, when I told him how I felt about my son and how, if the world had needed him to be sacrificed (in order to "Save" the world) that I (his daddy) would tell the world to go take a hike. That resonated deeply with my dad and looking at me through the eyes of a father to a father, he said to me, "That is exactly how I feel about you." As I am typing this post, my son walked up to me and said, "Dad, before my guests arrive tomorrow, can we read Scripture together." I truly thank God for his mercy and love in my life. For his redeeming love and power to make my life new. Because of his love, I am able to give love to my son and to my two daughters and to my wife. Even when I make mistakes and fail, I know that I have a Redeemer who makes things new.
I like what 1 Thessalonians has to say about the role of a Father, to Comfort, Encourage and Urge your child to live a life worthy of Jesus Christ. Not by our works, but by his mercy we are saved. I love that God has given me a road map to parenting: The Bible. I am grateful that his Spirit works in me to give me the right heart attitude in raising my children, loving my wife (and our family) and to wake up each day with a new set of hours to minister to my family.
Trey, I wish you the happiest of days tomorrow. I want you to know that your dad and mom love you very very much. I want you to know that we will always love you and be there for you. You are a very very special boy. Thanks for being so special.
Love Daddy (Dante)