1Thessalonians 2:11-12 For you know how, like a father with his children, we exhorted each one of you and encouraged you and charged you to walk in a manner worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and gloryThis week was an insanely busy week for me both at work, home, and in the Church. I wake up notably early and often leave the house while others are drooling on their pillows. A few of my colleagues were traveling this week. Secondly, I had an Elders meeting on Tuesday, and LTR class on Wednesday and my wife and I had a business date on Thursday. I also like to go to bed no later than 10:30pm on work nights and this week I was not off to bed anytime before 11:30pm.
I prayed a lot. I talked with God a lot. I thanked Him a lot. All this to say to you that for some strange reason, I wasn't fatigued or grumbling, rather, I was excited for what God is doing in men's lives around me. The picture to the right was sent by another fellow Elder of mine who took this picture of another really good friend of mine. This friend told him that he could only take this picture if it were in relation to Legacy Dad - The Elder obliged! Both of these men are legacy dads (the one posing for the picture and the other taking the picture).
This is not to say that they do not get everything right, because like Lance and I - they don't. It's not to say that they are always on their "A" game at home with their wives, at work with their colleagues or in the community with society, because they don't. However, the one thing that they do have is the full attention of the kids. The love and adoration of their kids and wives who like the walk that they are taking in their faith.
The legacy dad in this picture has 3 beautiful young ladies. Yes, I said three little girls, which means college three times and three weddings (yes I said three weddings). Look at the picture of his little girl. She is so excited that dad has the time to meet her in her world. It doesn't matter if it is a book, playing dolls, going on a date or the like; what matters is that she has his full attention. She has his time and he is in her world.
I have watched this legacy dad in his walk (along with some other dads in my mini-church) and it is amazing how much talent and gifting each of these men. What is more amazing is that they want to make a difference in their kids lives (and they are).
Some things to remember about raising your kids:
- Be consistent - moms and dads need to be in unity and bear fruit of the Spirit with their kids
- Be loving - shepherd your child's heart and do not be a helicopter parent or a let everyone else raise my child parent
- Be Available - Yes kids want your quality time, that is, they want you to be focused on them and not on your phone. They need more than your quality - they need your quantity of time
- Be the leader - (Ladies- if you are reading, this is for the men) - love your wife. Be kind to her and serve her. Love your children by treating your wife the way that you preach to your kids. Guide them in spiritual matters (take the lead - don't let your wife bear the brunt) and be honest about who you are ( a sinner saved by grace)
- Be Merciful - forgive them as God has forgiven you
- Be confident - Lance and I were talking about our kids last night (mine younger and his a lot older) and there has to be a time where you let them go and be their own people. This is where you 1) trust God and 2) have confidence that no matter their choices, that God has them in His sights and He is in control - So PRAY OFTEN!
In all that you do, trust and acknowledge God.
Oh and by the way, the guy in this picture prayed for God's leading in a big request and the coolest thing to watch happen since that prayer with his wife - is watch the Lord move and answer!