When a boy turns thirteen....

This past February, my oldest son turned 13.  I only really have 5 more critical years to pass the torch of boyhood to manhood.  When Lance and I and Gary first met face to face many years ago we had in depth conversations about this very thing.  Going back there, in my mind, recently reminded me at that time how ill-equipped that I was for this journey with my son and my wife and I with our daughters.Don't get me wrong, my wife and I are equally yoked and we are doing a lot of things that are good and godly and teaching accountability and responsibility, but I think that I was out of my league when I listened to Gary and Lance talk about this plan and path that they had for their grandsons and son, respectively.  Needless to say, I did a lot of soul searching and planning for this with my son during that trip and the time since.

Anyway, my son and I had the first, of what I pray is many, a conversation about this journey from boyhood to manhood and what are some things that are to come.  From reading some books, to watching some movies, to taking some trips and facing some fears along the way, I cannot wait to see how he responds and for what God has planned for him.

I am so thankful that I do not have to do this alone.  I am thankful for Lance and Gary and for men of faith that I can walk with and talk to and lean on God and not my own understanding in all this.  If you scour this website you can see stages and even find Lance's plan with his son along the way.

Dennis Rainey, of Famly Life, posted this picture on Facebook and just hit such a positive emotion in me.  It is scary, as a parent, to realize that age 13 that you only have 5 years left before they are off on their own for college, manhood and the rest of their life.  Don't get me wrong, my wife and I will always be a part of our kids life.

Proverbs 22:6English Standard Version (ESV)

6 Train up a child in the way he should go;even when he is old he will not depart from it.

This Scripture does not mean that your child will not face trial and tribulation, because if they are a follower of Jesus, then they will face trial and they will face tribulation.

I am excited to take this journey with my boy.  I am excited for the journey that my wife will have with our daughters.

God is good, all the time, God is good.

