Let's Ring in the New Year with God First in our lives
Choose to be a disciple
Dear Legacydads,
Happy New Year to every one of you. We hope and pray that everyone is healthy and looking forward to this New Year. That being said, we hope to comfort, encourage, and urge you to strive to live a life worthy of Jesus Christ.
Some things we hope that you are trying to put into your daily regiment:
Time Management (Be a good steward of your time, talent, and treasure)
Read and Pray Daily (God's word and be in daily relationship with God)
Telling others about Jesus & Call/Text a brother
Sometimes, we feel like we need to be a "check the box" type of Christianity, that is not what we are asking you. Instead, we ask that you seek God daily and understand His word and call in each of our lives. This is not a "program" type of discipleship that we are asking, rather, discipleship done God's way is based on a relationship.
Jesus shows us that on the Road to Emmaus (just under a 7-mile walk), the human mind's capacity can understand the scriptures in that timeframe. To walk 7 miles today would be around a 2.5 to 3-hour walk, depending on your stature. We read that at the end of that work with Jesus (these two disciples did not know at first that it was Jesus that they were walking with) these two disciples' hearts were burning for more time with Yeshua. This is not the discipleship model that Jesus walks and talks and does with his 12 disciples. For 3 years he taught (they learned), for 3 years they ate and drank and did life with the Master (they lived) and for 3 years these disciples were equipped to lead others to Jesus (they lead).
Look at the multiplicity in Jesus's discipleship teaching. He met with the twelve and they learned, lived, and led and as a result, we saw multiplication as God's way. As we read further in the New Testament, all of a sudden there were 70 disciples of Jesus. Doing the math (minus Judas Iscariot) there were likely 5 to 7 men per disciple of Jesus: They learned from Jesus, they lived with Jesus and they led after Jesus equipped them to lead. In turn, they did exactly this with the 70 that followed, and so on, and so on, and to what we have today.
There is a reason that the Bible is still the most actively sold book in the world today. That is because it is the Graphe (the very written word of God). 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says this, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
Jesus does not want you to check boxes and just do it out of a place "because I have to". Instead, he wants to have a relationship with each one of His believers. When we surrender our will to God's will listen to the words of Jesus and obey his commands, then we can see and hear the word and voice of God working in our lives daily.
Choose wisely, my friends. To God Be The Glory!