Jeff McDaniel joins Lance and Dante to discuss current church multiplication movements and discipleship. Jeff talks about how we can hear from God in order to be obedient to God's unique calling for our lives.
Dealing With Fear and Anxiety
Dante and Lance talk about dealing with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty given the current state of our world. How do we have a Biblical perspective and not get caught up in all the fear. Plus, how to keep our family and others calm in stressful situations.
Spiritual Maturity and the Attributes of God
Lance and Dante discuss A.W. Pink's book the Attributes of God and how these attributes apply to our spiritual lives and maturity. What are God's communicable and incommunicable attributes and what are we called to do as men, husbands, and fathers.
True Accountability Vs. Checking The Box
Lance and Dante discuss accountability from a Biblical perspective versus what a lot of Men's Ministries portray as accountability. What it is, what it isn't, why it's important, and how to cultivate it properly.
This Is The End, Beautiful Friend
Lance and Dante try to distinguish fact from fiction in what the Bible actual says about end times, persecution of the Church, and tribulation.
Common Themes of Dysfunctional Families and Behavior Issues
Lance and his wife talk about common themes of dysfunctional families and parents struggling with children who exhibit behavioral issues. Lance's wife is a licensed behavioral health clinician working with children, teens, and families.