"Praise Him" with Lauren Chandler

We were honored to welcome Lauren Chandler onto the podcast to discuss her new book "Praise Him." In this beautifully illustrated board book, Lauren’s lyrical lines encourage us that in the day or in the night, wherever we go, we can praise God continually.

From page to page, follow a child through her day as she goes from sunny morning to stormy afternoon and then shadowy night. Be reminded that God is always there with us, even when days are hard, and that we need only simple words to praise Him.

Find the book here: https://www.lifeway.com/en/product/praise-him-P005835988

Find out more about Lauren here: https://laurenchandler.com/

Biblical Masculinity (Part 3): Legacy Dads and Honest Youth Pastor

In this episode, we welcome Michael, aka the Honest Youth Pastor. This is the final part of a three-part series on biblical masculinity. We talked through biblical masculinity and why it is important for Christian men to keep striving to be more like the man that Jesus was while he was on earth. What are the fruits of biblical masculinity, and how can you differentiate between "toxic" and "biblical" masculinity? Do you have role models for how to be a Christian man? These are just a few topics covered during the conversation. We hope you enjoy! Don't forget to see parts 1 and 2 for more valuable information on how to stay in the fight as a Christian man!

Follow the Honest Youth Pastor (you won't be disappointed!):

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honestyouthpastor/?hl=en
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/honestyouthpastor


Biblical Masculinity, Part 2 (of 3): 12 Traits

In this second episode covering biblical masculinity, Dave and Dante discuss 12 traits that contribute to biblical masculinity. Each of these traits is explained in scripture, and they are listed below:

Bold: Acts 4:29
Faithful: 1 Corinthians 4:2
Dependable: 1 Corinthians 16:13
Strong: Ephesians 6:10
Courageous: Joshua 1:7
Truthful: Ephesians 4:25
Sacrificial: John 15:13
Pure: Psalms 24:4-5
Loyal: Proverbs 18:24
Charitable: 1 Timothy 4:12
Meek: Matthew 5:5
Wise: Proverbs 1:5

Listen in as we talk through these 12 traits and the associated scriptures. Men in all stages of life likely have a couple of these traits that are really strong. Likewise, there are probably one or two that need a little work. So where are you at? If there’s something to strengthen, find a brother in Christ who you know will encourage you and keep you accountable to becoming a more biblical masculine man!

Biblical Masculinity, Part 1 (of 3)

Biblical masculinity is under attack. God created men to be men and to have certain characteristics and traits. Yet today, it seems as if having those unique, God-given traits is something that should be hidden or diminished. In this first part of a three-part series on masculinity, Dave and Dante get into the foundations of what's wrong with men today. Why are we at the point we are at today? What does the bible say about masculinity? And how do we start to course-correct in order to be men, husbands, and fathers who are leaving a lasting legacy? Tune in to this episode and the next two for some valuable tools to help us all become better men.

Legacy Dads is part of the Christian Parenting Network of podcasts. You can find out more about CPN here:
The Christian Parenting Podcast Network curates the best parenting podcasts to help you leave perfection at the door and help you to become the perfectly imperfect parent God has called you to be. We invite you to explore our network of trusted parenting podcasts today!

Band of Brothers

In this episode, Dave and Dante discuss the importance of surrounding yourself with people who will ultimately keep you accountable and point you to God. When we face struggles and we want to make change, we need to have people around us who we can lean on, who will help us to grow, and will love us when we stumble. Whether you're a man surrounded by brothers, or a woman surrounded by sisters, when you are engaged in the fight together, you are much more likely to win the battle in the long run. Listen in as the guys talk about changing playgrounds and playmates to make a lasting impact and change the legacy!

Spiritual Warfare 2022

There's no doubt that spiritual warfare is happening today just as much as it was when the serpent entered the garden of Eden. While some aspects of the enemy's attacks may be easy to identify and fight, it is getting more challenging today to keep up the fight against modern societal attacks. In this episode, Dave and Dante discuss those topics and get into ways in which we can stay in the fight. It might make some people uncomfortable, and a lot of us might not know what to do. When we turn to the bible, we can't go wrong. Listen in and be encouraged to continue to persevere!