GRIT 2022 Review

Gather. Restore. Ignite. Transform. GRIT. Dave and Dante finally met in Indiana, along with previous Legacy Dads guest Jeff McDaniel to speak at the GRIT men's conference. In this episode, Dave and Dante discuss their thoughts after the event. There were nearly 200 men at the event, and they were able to learn about false identities and the necessity for endurance in the faith. Listen in as they discuss the conference, and the importance of men being able to shed the identity that is not God-given, live in the identity that God blessed them with, and how to have the endurance to do "kingdom-building" in that identity.

The Gift of Listening

It seems like society doesn't want us quick to listen and slow to speak...quite the opposite sometimes! In this episode Dave and Dante discuss the art of listening and how important it is in today's day and age. Whether it's a kid trying to tell you about their day, your wife (or soon to be wife) laying her concerns in front of you, or a brother in Christ who is confessing his struggles to you, the skill of listening - not just hearing - is one a Legacy Dad must have. Listen in (no pun intended) and see if there's any areas for improvement in your daily life.

Legacy Dads is proud to be partnered with the Christian Parenting Network. For more information about CPN, go to

Christian Parenting Advent Book The Songs Tell The Story:

#butGod with Jeremy Freeman

We had the pleasure to sit down with Pastor and new author Jeremy Freeman to discuss his book "#butGod: The Power of Hope When Catastrophe Crashes In," out October 18, 2022. In the book, Jeremy details he and his family’s experience following his son Caleb’s devastating car accident, and God’s faithfulness through Caleb’s miraculous recovery. Jeremy also shares about the darkness that nearly overtook their family in the waiting, and the #butGod movement that captured the prayers of Christians around the world. #butGod includes heartfelt excerpts from Emily’s prayer journal and encouragement from Jeremy that goes beyond platitudes to a hard-won trust in God’s goodness. Whatever sorrow you are walking through, #butGod leads you to the sweetness found in trusting God with suffering…and the deeper faith that comes from seeing His purpose in the pain.

Book can be found here:

Pray For Caleb Facebook:

Jeremy's Instagram:

The Giving Leader and the Church: Part 2

In this second part of a two-part interview with Phil Ling, we hear the practical things that Legacy Dads can do to glorify the kingdom of God. Too often we are told "time, talents, treasures" with no real advice on how to use them to glorify God's kingdom. Phil lays it down and puts it all in perspective so that we can make that happen. Listen in and let it marinate so that you can use your time, talents, and treasures to bring glory to God!

"Making Your Marriage A Fortress" with Gary Thomas

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Gary Thomas, who's new book "Making Your Marriage A Fortress" comes out on October 4th 2022. Gary Thomas is a bestselling author and international speaker whose ministry brings people closer to Christ and closer to others. He unites the study of Scripture, church history, and the Christian classics to foster spiritual growth and deeper relationships within the Christian community. When it comes to being a Legacy Dad, Gary provides practical wisdom and insight as he walks us through some of the personal examples he uses in this new book. If you're looking to fortify your marriage to leave a lasting legacy, start with the bible, then get this's sure to get you pointed in the right direction!

Interact with Gary:
Gary's Website:
Gary's New Book:

The Giving Leader and the Church: What's Next?

In this two-part interview, we sat down with Phil Ling from The Ling Group and The Giving Leader podcast. Phil is a consultant and coach and has worked with people, churches, and ministries of all sizes in order to help them grow in and for the Kingdom of God. Phil doesn't hold back and gives a lot of advice for how the "big C" Church can stay in the fight in a post-COVID era, but also how churches, men, and women can ensure they are doing the things they are able to do in order to bring God the glory He deserves. You can find out more about Phil by visiting his website (listed below) or by tuning into his podcast called "The Giving Leader." Enjoy!

Phil’s Website:

The Giving Leader Podcast:

Are you a man in the greater Chicago area? What are you doing October 28th?

Join Dave and Dante (and others!) at Faith Church - Dyer (Dyer, Indiana) for a men’s event on Friday, October 28th 2022. This men’s event will help us all to become more authentic in our relationship with God, more authentic with our families and communities, and ultimately help us to build the kingdom of God as ambassadors for Christ. You can find out more information at We hope to see you there!!!