Socialism is popular on many college campuses today and some politicians are even trying to claim that Jesus and the early Christians were actually involved in socialist practices. Dante and Lance examine this theory from both a Biblical and economics point of view.
In the World but Not of the World #NOTW
Lance and Dante talk about balancing being in the world but not of the world and how that affects our walk and witness. For parents, balancing sheltering our children with exposing them to the world without fear.
Who's Your Daddy? Biblical Gender Roles
Dante and Lance discuss a NY Times article where the author tries to imply that being a good dad means you're taking on the role of a mother. Gender Roles and Biblical Roles.
Live from Doctrine and Devotion 2018
Live from Doctrine and Devotion 2018 - Lance and Dante talk about Biblical masculinity and reflections on keynotes from Joe Thorn and Doug Logan, Jr. #docanddevo2018
Put Away Childish Things
Dante and Lance's son talk about growing up with a Legacy Dad and realizing that faith was real along with living out our faith and being an example to others. Fruit if the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 13